Kapil Sharma, a well-known comedian and actor, was recently threatened with death. The email used to make this threat was purportedly sent from Pakistan. The email made it very clear that this is neither “an attempt to harass” nor any sort of “publicity stunt.” It was requested that Kapil take this warning very seriously and keep it private.
On December 14, Kapil Sharma received this menacing email. “Bishnu” was the email’s perpetrator, who told Kapil Sharma to reply within eight hours or risk dire repercussions.
After Mumbai Police filed a FIR, an inquiry was launched.
Mumbai’s Amboli Police Station has filed a formal complaint (FIR) against an unidentified individual in this matter, according to an NDTV report. In an effort to identify the person responsible for this threat, police have begun their investigation.
“We’ve been keeping an eye on your recent activities and feel it’s important to bring your attention to a sensitive matter,” the email said. We strongly advise you to treat this communication with the highest confidentiality and seriousness; it is neither a publicity stunt nor an attempt to bother you.
The report claims that other artists have also received threats similar to Kapil Sharma’s. Numerous Bollywood superstars, such as Rajpal Yadav, Remo Dsouza, and Sugandha Mishra, have also been the targets of similar threatening emails. All of these situations are being thoroughly investigated by the police.